Functional Phonology: chapter 2
Chapter 2: Articulation model
This chapter describes a model which represents the entire vocal apparatus
as a structure of tubes with moving walls. The model is capable of simulating
more features of the interaction between myo-elastical and aerodynamical
properties, than any previous model.
2.1 Requirements
2.1.1 Specification of the input: muscle activities or tasks?
2.1.2 Controlling the muscles
2.1.3 Smooth trajectories
2.1.4 Aerodynamic-myoelastic interaction
2.1.5 Timing
2.1.6 Generating acoustic output
2.2 Overview of the articulation model
Figure 2.1 (many tubes)
2.3 The springs and the masses
2.3.1 Equation of motion
2.3.2 The tension force
Figure 2.3 (plucked string)
2.3.3 The collision force
Figure 2.4 (zipper)
2.3.4 The coupling force
2.3.5 The damping force
2.3.6 The air pressure force
2.3.7 Parallel subdivision
2.3.8 The z direction
2.4 From muscles to tract shape
Figure 2.5 (tube connections)
2.5 Speaker properties
2.5.1 Three sizes of speakers
2.5.2 Default values
2.6 Sublaryngeal system
Figure 2.6 (lungs)
2.7 Larynx
2.7.1 Conus elasticus
2.7.2 Intermembranous glottis
2.7.3 Intercartilagenous glottis
2.8 Nasal cavities
Figure 2.7 (nose)
2.9 Pharyngeal and oral cavities
Figure 2.8 (vocal tract construction)
Figure 2.9 (muscle effects)
2.9.1 Upper part of the larynx
2.9.2 Jaw and tongue body
2.9.3 Tongue root
2.9.4 Velum and palate
2.9.5 Tongue tip
2.9.6 Teeth
2.9.7 Lips
2.10 Meshing of the vocal tract
Figure 2.10 (meshing)
2.10.1 Mesh points on the outer contour
2.10.2 The midlines of the tube sections
2.10.3 The lengths of the mesh lines
2.10.4 Equilibrium widths of pharyngeal and oral tube sections
Figure 2.11 (ejective stop)
2.10.5 Equilibrium lengths of pharyngeal and oral tube sections
2.11 Other oral and pharyngeal properties
2.12 Time
2.13 Conclusion
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