
One of the types of objects in Praat. See the Sound files tutorial.

A LongSound object gives you the ability to view and label a sound file that resides on disk. You will want to use it for sounds that are too long to read into memory as a Sound object (typically, a few minutes).

How to create a LongSound object

You create a LongSound object with Open long sound file... from the Open menu.

What you can do with a LongSound object

You can save a LongSound object to a new sound file, perhaps in a different format (AIFF, AIFC, WAV, NeXT/Sun, NIST, FLAC) with the commands in the Save menu. You can also concatenate several LongSound objects in this way. See How to concatenate sound files.

How to view and edit a LongSound object

You can view a LongSound object in a LongSoundEditor by choosing LongSound: View. This also allows you to extract parts of the LongSound as Sound objects, or save these parts as a sound file. There are currently no ways to actually change the data in the file.

How to annotate a LongSound object

You can label and segment a LongSound object after the following steps:

1. Select the LongSound object.
2. Choose LongSound: To TextGrid... and specify your tiers.
3. Select the resulting TextGrid object together with the LongSound object, and click View & Edit.

A TextGridEditor will appear on the screen, with a copy of the LongSound object in it.


The length of the sound file is limited to 2 gigabytes, which is 3 hours of CD-quality stereo, or 12 hours 16-bit mono sampled at 22050 Hz.

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