Nyquist frequency

The Nyquist frequency is the bandwidth of a sampled signal, and is equal to half the sampling frequency of that signal. If the sampled signal should represent a continuous spectral range starting at 0 Hz (which is the most common case for speech recordings), the Nyquist frequency is the highest frequency that the sampled signal can unambiguously represent.


If a speech signal is sampled at 22050 Hz, the highest frequency that we can expect to be present in the sampled signal is 11025 Hz. This means that to heed this expectation, we should run the continuous signal through a low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency below 11025 Hz; otherwise, we would experience the phenomenon of aliasing.

Of course, with a sampling frequency of 22050 Hz we could also represent a signal band-limited between, say, 40000 Hz and 51025 Hz, but this seems less useful in speech research.

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