
This is one of the tutorials of the Praat program. It assumes you are familiar with the Intro.

A script is a text that consists of menu commands and action commands. If you run the script (perhaps from a ScriptEditor), the commands are executed as if you clicked on them. You can read this tutorial sequentially with the help of the “< 1” and “1 >” buttons.

 Scripting 1. Your first scripts (how to create, how to run, how to save)
 Scripting 2. How to script settings windows (numeric, boolean, multiple-choice, text, file)
 Scripting 3. Simple language elements
     Scripting 3.1. Hello world (writeInfoLine, appendInfoLine)
     Scripting 3.2. Numeric variables (assignments)
     Scripting 3.3. Numeric queries
     Scripting 3.4. String variables (assignments)
     Scripting 3.5. String queries
     Scripting 3.6. “For” loops (for, endfor)
     Scripting 3.7. Layout (white space, comments, continuation lines)
 Scripting 4. Object selection
     Scripting 4.1. Selecting objects
     Scripting 4.2. Removing objects
     Scripting 4.3. Querying objects
 Scripting 5. Language elements reference
     Scripting 5.1. Variables (numeric, string)
     Scripting 5.2. Expressions (numeric, string)
     Scripting 5.3. Jumps (if, then, elsif, else, endif)
     Scripting 5.4. Loops (for/endfor, while/endwhile, repeat/until)
     Scripting 5.5. Procedures (@, procedure)
     Scripting 5.6. Arrays and dictionaries
     Scripting 5.7. Vectors and matrices
     Scripting 5.8. Including other scripts
     Scripting 5.9. Quitting (exitScript)
 Scripting 6. Communication outside the script
     Scripting 6.1. Arguments to the script (form/endform, runScript)
     Scripting 6.2. Writing to the Info window (writeInfoLine, appendInfoLine, appendInfo, tab$)
     Scripting 6.3. Query commands (Get, Count)
     Scripting 6.4. Files (fileReadable, readFile, writeFile, deleteFile, createFolder)
     Scripting 6.5. Calling system commands (runSystem, environment$, stopwatch)
     Scripting 6.6. Controlling the user (pause, beginPause/endPause, chooseReadFile$)
     Scripting 6.7. Sending a message to another program
     Scripting 6.8. Messages to the user (exitScript, assert, nowarn, nocheck)
     Scripting 6.9. Calling from the command line
 Scripting 7. Scripting the editors
     Scripting 7.1. Scripting an editor from a shell script (editor/endeditor)
     Scripting 7.2. Scripting an editor from within
 Scripting 8. Controlling Praat from another program
     Scripting 8.1. The sendpraat subroutine
     Scripting 8.2. The sendpraat program
 Scripting 9. Turning a script into a stand-alone program
 Scripting 10. Old functions

Also see the scripting examples.

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