My book Into
Sound (Free downloadable pdf)
you prefer the ‘real book’ instead of some 140 separate sheets of paper out of
your printer, you may buy a copy from the bookstore at a reasonable price. Into
sound: ISBN number: 9789402179453.
(Demo Praat scripts)
Formant analysis
from spectral content
Downloadable Praat script files for F0-related
spectral envelope measurements based on my article in Proceedings 24 of the
Institute (made much faster and adapted to Praat 5.1):
Filtering Analysis script 5-09
Bandfilter script v5
envelope spectrum at cursor script
(Useful Praat script for producing and displaying Gauss bandfilter
envelope spectra at cursor position in Sound editor. A new menu button for this
feature can be created in Praat’s Sound editor)
Downloadable Praat script files from
presentation at ICPhS 2003:
Filtering Spectrum script
Filtering Spectrogram v2 script
Downloadable Praat script files for
A-weighted filtering and low/high pass filtering:
Downloadable pdf’s about some old
IFA-built equipment: